Vacation: An Opportunity to be a Pharma Superman

-Bijay Gautam

You must be feeling like a plastic bag. Free and light. Your exams are over and you will not have to attend boring lectures for at least next two months before the college resumes. You will not have to mug up the biological name and uses of Coriander nor you will have to build esoteric structures out of benzene rings. You can chat on what’s app all day long or play candy crush endlessly. You can pay visit to your Nani or Bhuwa. You were waiting desperately for exams to come to an end and these vivacious days unfold.

You will miss your college friends though. Maybe you will get bored to death at your home. Going nowhere and watching TV. But do you have any better idea to turn this holiday into a learning opportunity?

My sister is starting college this year and it’s been several months since she has completed her 12th. I ask her every time on phone, “How are you using your free time and what are you learning?” And she says “nothing”. It makes me feel bad to see people wasting their spare time and learning nothing while there is a lot to learn around us. It could be anything like to give speech, play guitar, photography, designing, dancing, writing or whatever fascinates you. I am not trying to be a preacher but I am writing this article to convince you in making use of this vacation time pharmaci-cally. I don’t know if this word existed in dictionary.

When you come out of your college after graduating your parents and non-pharmacy friends expect you to know about all the drugs name and that too by their trade name. Maybe one of your school friends doing B.Tech will call you one evening to ask the name of medicine that will cause abortion. If you can’t suggest them the medicine he might think that you are dumb. There could be the cases where people will show you a strip of tablet and asks you to tell them what this medicine is used for. To confirm if doctor prescribed right medicine and mostly to see if you really know about medicines. And if you still remain silent then you will hear things like, “tune 4-saal m sikha kya h”? What did you learn in last four years?

My dad kept me asking every single year of my college that what I was learning that year. In first year, I said, “We are learning basics like types of dosage form, Physiology and anatomy of our body and so on.” Again in second year I answered, “We are now learning basics of few more things like microbes, pharma engineering, etc.” One fine day he asked when was I going to learn about medicines and how to prepare medicines.

This is what most of our parents expecting us to know by the end of four years. And let me inform you that our curriculum is not designed in such way that we learn anything like that. All we have to study is outmoded medicines and their mechanism of action in Pharmacology or synthesis of medicinal substances in Medicinal Chemistry we might never need in our entire life.

Well wait. Don’t get pissed off yet. These are just few examples. You will know you have learned nothing in college that will make you sound like a person who knows all about medicine by reading the pharmacology or Medicinal Chemistry books. Even if you remember few of them they will get washed out of your brain few months after your college.

So how can you meet these expectations of your parents and get yourself acquainted with the sea of knowledge about medicines? After all that’s who we are supposed to be.

So here is what you can do to be a pharmacy superman:

Work at a Retail Pharmacy Outlet:

No you are not young anymore to go and work nor it is the matter of shame. Rather you should feel proud.

Look for a retail pharmacy shop in your locality where there is constant rush of patients. As you should know the more patients visit the shop more you will learn about the medicines. You are not working here to make money but to make knowledge so it doesn’t matter whether you are getting paid or not. Request the owner that you are a pharmacy student and would like to work at his premise for next two months or so. He would be happy in offering you the job. Who don’t like volunteers or low wage workers anyways? Once you are in, your aim is to learn about the medicines. On the basis of what you learn here you will be able to suggest your B. Tech friend with some medicines name.

If you are among those who love interacting with people and listen their story there could be no better place to be. You can ask them how long they are taking that medicine for or how they are feeling. You can ask your experienced co-workers what a medicine you are holding in your hand used for. The best part is you will know what the medicine is used for in pharma shop practically and in college you will learn how this medicine works. Isn’t that great to know a medicine that well? Remember to read its generic name every time you pull a medicine out of shelve. This will help you in learning both trade and generic name. Two months at a retail outlet and I bet you will have at your tongue tip the basic medicines and condition they are prescribed for. That too for long long time.

I strongly urge B.Pharm First and Second Year students to go and work in retail outlets. You are too young for any industry to offer you industrial training. So this makes my next point here:

Get Industrial Training:

Wow! Industry. That sounds great. I would love to.

Hold on! I didn’t say Picnic.

If you have completed your first or second year and planning for industrial training you will hardly learn anything there. I already said you are too young for Industry. Once you have completed your third year its best to get industrial training of at least three months. For industrial training ask your college administration to make arrangements in well advance or talk to alumnus already working in industry.

If you get a choice for the department of your training, chose it wisely. It totally depends on your personal interest. If you love analyzing samples and want to learn techniques like UV, IR or HPLC, Analytical or QC Department is for you. If you wish to learn how tablets are formed or how syrups are filled then production department suits you. If you are more of a pharmacology guy then you can get training in Pharmacovigilance or clinical trials. Even if you want to go for marketing in future it’s best to get training in marketing.

The motive of getting industrial training is to prepare yourself for the real work situation. You will learn a lot from your training. Getting training at a pharma company is the best reward you can give to yourself this vacation. Lot of learning and exposure to the world you will be stepping few years later.

I wish you a very rewarding vacation!

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