My Story of Founding Pharma Buds

        -Bijay Gautam       
I’ve faced several interviews after completion of my undergraduate and one common question all interviewers asked me was to tell about myself. Never in an interview had I ever said I was topper at my college. Not in a single one.

I have completed my high schooling from beautiful land of Nepal. As a school boy I was an average student for my marks in exams. My school was one of the top schools in the area. It focused a lot in organizing extracurricular activities and my favorite used to be speech competition. I represented my school in several competitions and won numerous awards for my school in speech and debate competitions. I was president of Health club in my school that focused in raising awareness about health and environment. During my tenure we ran a campaign to ban plastic in our school and still today plastics are not allowed in the school compound. There used to be division of students into different groups and they were called houses. Our school had division into four groups, Annapurna, Macchapuchhre, Manaslu and Dhaulagiri. They were named on mountains of Nepal. 

I was Captain of Manaslu House. These houses held Morning Prayer in their own ways and played against each other during sports week. As a captain my role used to be hold morning prayer every day and nominate the students to represent our house in sport meet through internal competition. I used to be the host of almost all school functions and co-ordinator for these functions. My roles included managing and instructing volunteers, making it sure that backstage is doing fine, snacks is being distributed thoroughly and event is running perfectly. I leaded several campaigns of health clubs like street dramas, health rally where we went around the city with banners displaying messages to avoid tobacco and alcohol and live healthy lifestyles. Our other campaigns were environment cleaning, campaigns against child labor and sex discrimination. We collected our old clothes and some money at school to send them to flood hit areas of our country. I had been to week long training program of Red Cross society representing my district. We held elections at school to elect president of clubs like Health Club and Red Cross society. These all activities offered me much learning opportunities. I started seeing a lot of positive growth in myself. Had I just spent my school life with books, I would have not gained courage to stand in stage and give speech, I would not have been able to lead and grow my other abilities. Not to forget I was an average student in my school, as my teachers categorized me.

After I completed such a promising school life I came to PDM for my under-graduation. All of sudden I was in completely new place, I was in Haryana needing to understand Haryanvi while I couldn’t even speak and understand Hindi well. It seemed real hard for me to get through the language and cultural barrier. It took me a few months before I could understand and speak Hindi well and few more months later Haryanvi too. I have passion for language and I love learning. Now I started seeing the culture at college and I was truly disappointed. It was completely opposite to where I came from. No clubs to hold elections for, no senior to listen my problem and guide me, no events to participate in and no campaigns to make banners for. I thought if this is the case I cannot survive in environment like this. I firmly believed if there is no opportunity you have to build a door.

I started interacting with my classmates and shared them that I want to start a club where we can help each other in growing our leadership abilities and organize extra-curricular activities. I started doing this at the end of my first year as I started loving books. Study became my thing as there was nothing much to do in college. First year passed by and within 2 months in second year, result for the first year was published that amazed me. I was topper. I was always made believe in my school that I was an average student and I fed it in my mind that topping is not my thing. But being at college I proved them all wrong. It brought much confidence in me that I could do almost anything if I was ready to push my boundaries of comfort zone. I studied real hard back then.

Then at the beginning of my second year at College I went to then vice-principal of college Dr. Hema Chaudhary. I shared my idea to start a club that promotes growth of students and organize extracurricular activities. She asked me to bring a detailed proposal about it. I put a 15 page proposal in her desk within two days. I was so determined to give it a start that everything seemed possible for me. I included every minute details of club, what would be it’s name, how it would be run, how members for the club will be elected, how would it be funded, what sort of activities it would organize, how the club will be gradually expanded to other pharmacy colleges of the country. I had very big vision for the club. During that time Dr. Arun Garg used to be college director hence vice-principal kept telling me that she would let me know if he agreed to my proposal and it kept happening all second year.

I went to her office every month and asked, Mam shall we start now? She said wait. And I kept waiting.  By the end of second year I was popular in my college. My seniors and juniors started knowing me as I started going to their classes often and shared my ideas and collected their advices. Being topper was another reason of getting people’s attention. And it made them listen me.
At the end of second year, there was a fest organized by college for all the departments and unfortunately I was the only one participating in that event from Pharmacy. Other students were busy preparing for their finals. I won extempore competition during fest and I was one of the hosts for the program that evening. To my amazement I was awarded with the “Best student of Pharmacy” same evening. That evening was the best evening since I started college as I was proud of taking initiatives. That award brought more responsibilities in me and expectation of teachers rose above the grounds from me. I never seemed to care where did I came from but I always looked forward to where I could go.

With the beginning of my third year a ray of hope started shining as Dr. Hema Chaudhary took over as principal. I again knocked her doors and she kept saying she was in talk with management and asked me to come back the next day and I was standing at her door again the next day. I was very punctual in following her up. I could see her being overwhelmed at certain occasions but I never hesitated to knock her door again and again. It happened for a while. One fine day she looked at me and said, Bijay you go ahead with whatever you want to do and let me know how I could help you. I was so happy that day. I heard the phrase I was dying to hear since one and half year. I now got to shout that Pharma Buds is about to born this Saturday. I went to all the classes made announcement that I got green signal from mam and asked all to join on the following Saturday.  Nine of them turned on that Saturday and that was the birth of Pharma Buds. We discussed on how we could move forward and how we could bring in more members to the club. I started Pharma Buds website and Facebook page to get in touch and convey message to students. I came back home with a sense of achievement that my dream was about to get realized.

After that we kept organizing events and setting up cultures like celebrating teacher’s day, celebrating pharmacists’ day. We organized a week long national pharmacy week with several events such as rally, quiz competition, group discussions, poster designing competition and free health check-up camp. We called back our alumni and interacted with them about different perspectives in industry, government sector and wherever they worked. We discussed about Job challenges and opportunities. We started taking lead in organizing national seminars and several events. It now started to feel home for me. I was now relived as it was how I wanted to spend my college days. By the time I came to final year we had received a lot of messages from our alumni and they all were proud in whatever was happening in college. Not only with alumni words starts spreading across and the college prestige rose higher. We asked students to perform in whatever they were good at and provided them platform to perform. Students started interacting with each other. They started talking to their juniors and seniors as we all had to work as a team during events. They started participating in events and slowly accepted the club. They started to walk to me and discussed their wonderful ideas and how they can help.

Soon after that we were publishing Pharma Buds Bulletin, our monthly magazine with aim to help students write scientific articles and I worked day in and day out as editor to give it a shape. Abhijeet Debnath and Prabhsimran Singh played significant role in this. While many others were also involved silently in this. We asked students to submit articles and launched very first edition of it on Pharmacist’s Day.

Further, during my final year I knocked little more to principal’s door and we were going on college funded tour to Mumbai. Private colleges rarely fund students’ trip but PDM did. During those days I was trying to organize as many events and programs as I could so that these events become our identity and provide students an opportunity to get exposed to pharma culture we were setting up. When I look back at it, my heart fills with pride and sense of achievement.

I never bought words from my teachers or family when they said if you are a topper you can get a good job. I never believed that getting 90% ensure your job at good company. I always loved running extra mile, be it staying back a little more at college to complete the editing of pharma buds bulletin or to make arrangements for the national seminar. I missed my lunch several times in my college to update Website or to plan events. It was the thing I loved and was proud of than topping the class. I did topped but that was not the end. I never believed that topping Guarantee your success. You should develop extra abilities and college is the best place to do so. Be it developing your communication skills, public speaking, leadership, may be improving your English, singing, dancing or any skills that you think you need to improve and that only makes you a better human being.

And to that question, I started my answer with, “If I have to talk about myself two words best describes me they are Leadership and trend-setter. In my college, I founded a club named Pharma Buds which promotes students leadership and communication skills, I was co-founder and Editor of Pharma Buds Bulletin, our monthly magazine published in college website, I was awarded with award of Best student of pharmacy in year 2013 and I am a growth-oriented person looking forward to constantly push my boundaries and learn a lot from challenges.” And this introduction impressed interviewers of all companies I gave interviews for. Not to a single interviewer I had to say I was topper so please hire me. Because score and toppers are not what companies are looking for they are looking for go-getters and change makers. So what are you doing beyond your books to answer the question, tell us about yourself?

Bijay Gautam is founder of Pharma Buds and Co-founder of Pharma Buds Bulletin. He is currently working at Sun Pharma's R&D Center at Gurgaon. 
You can stay in touch with him on his email: or at and read his blog at