PDM College of pharmacy on 25th September celebrated World Pharmacists day with various activities. On the day guests from various pharmaceutical sectors were present who shared their insights with students at PDMCOP. The program was emceed by Bijay Gautam, Founder Pharma Buds. Chief Guest of the program was Mr. Satish Katyal, President Rhotak District Chemist Association. He was joined on the dais by Guests of honor Mr. Gulshan Sethia, President Jhajjar District Chemist association and Mr. Tarseem Jain, Editor Pharma Paramarsh. Other guests were Mr. I D Aghi, Senior Pharmacist and Dr. Kailash Khanna , Member Haryana State Pharmacy council. Guests were welcomed by presenting floral bouquet by respected Principal of the college Dr. Hema Chaudhary followed by her welcome speech. All the guests highlighted the role of pharmacists in healthcare, Medicare and society. They inspired budding pharmacists to abide by pharmaceutical code of conduct and ethics. Other speakers included Mr. Abhijeet and Mrs. Geeta, Students of M. Pharma 1st Year (Pharmaceutics).
At the same event the monthly wall magazine of Pharma Buds “Pharma Buds Bulletin” was launched together by Chief Guest and all dignitaries. This wall magazine is published by Pharma Buds monthly which involves articles, discussions, news and info-graphics from pharmacy world. The program came to an end when all attendees took pharmacist’s oath with their hands on heart. Momenta were presented to guests by Respected Principal of the college. Vote of thanks speech was given by first year student Mr. Anubrat Chillar.
All the guests and Principal of the college praised the efforts put on by Pharma Buds Volunteers in making this ceremony a grand success