Pharma Buds volunteers successfully completed their 3 days volunteering in “Pulse Polio Campaign” hosted by Civil Hospital, Bahadurgarh. These volunteers served by helping Civil Hospital to vaccinate against polio to all children below 5 years of age in Bahadurgarh. Volunteers were divided into various groups and were working under different supervisors in different part of town. Most of the volunteers vaccinated from fixed booth for the first day followed by two days of door-to-door campaign while others were on mobile team who visited different public places like schools, industries and bus stops for vaccination.
After the completion of campaign most of volunteers shared that it was an awesome experience serving for betterment of health and dealing with cute kids. Coordinator of campaign Mr. Ramniwash of Civil hospital praised the work of volunteers and congratulated for successfully completing the mission. He also handed certificate of appreciation to all selflessly serving volunteers.
There are no any cases of polio reported in India since last few years. Ministry of Health is conducting oral vaccination campaign as prophylaxis for the disease at regular interval. The drug vaccinated orally contains a mixture of live attenuated polio virus strains of each of the three polio virus types. OPV produces antibodies in the blood to all three types of poliovirus. In the event of infection, these antibodies protect against paralysis by preventing the spread of wild poliovirus to the nervous system.